In order to assist you with obtaining the necessary permits and services for your special event, please visit our web page on Hosting an Event to review the Special Event Guidelines and complete the Special Events Application. If you have any questions or require further information please contact our Recreation Programmer.
What do I do when I require a tent permit for my event?
A tent permit is required as per the Ontario Building Code for tents that are 60 m² (646 ft²) in ground area or greater (including multiple tents). To apply for a tent permit you must complete a building permit application and include a site plan (sketch) that shows the following information:
- Measurements from the tent(s) to property lines (3 metres minimum)
- Measurements from tent(s) to other structures (3 metres minimum)
- Size of tent(s)
- Location and number of washroom facilities
- Floor layout (approximate location of tables, chairs, stage etc.)
- Indicate the size and location of exits on the perimeter of the tent including fire extinguisher locations
- Indicate if the tent will be enclosed with side walls
Events with alcohol must be indicated on the permit application along with the proposed occupant load for the licensed area and the dates the tent will be erected and taken down.
Please note that as per Division C Part 1 of the Ontario Building Code, if a tent exceeds an area greater than 225 m2 (2421 ft2) the installation of the tent shall also be inspected by a Professional Engineer.
Please allow up to 10 business days for the application to be processed. If you have any questions regarding tent permits please refer to our tent permit requirements document or contact our Building Department.