The Town provides municipal water and sanitary sewer service to over 1,500 properties in our municipality.
If you have an after-hours emergency for water or sewer in Wiarton, please call Ontario Clean Water Agency at 519-372-3034. If you have an after-hours emergency on a municipal water system in the former Township of Amabel, please call Ontario Clean Water Agency at 519-375-1774.
Water and sewer billing
Water and sewer rates |
2022 Wiarton Water and Sewer Rates |
Changing your address |
How do I change my address? | ||||||
Credit card payments |
The Town of South Bruce Peninsula uses Paymentus Corporation to provide the convenience of making payments by credit cards. Paymentus Corporation is a third party bill payment service that accepts Visa or Mastercard. You can enjoy the convenience of making your payment at anytime on any day. Paymentus will charge a convenience fee for each transaction. Payments by credit card cannot be made in person at Town Hall. How do I access the service?
You will need:
You will enter the payment information including the 11-digit utility account number, credit card details and the payment amount. You will be asked to confirm payment of a convenience fee. You will be provided with a confirmation number if the transaction is successful. Why is there a convenience fee?Paymentus Corporation charges a convenience fee to use their service. The fee covers payment handling and processing charges. The flat fee is 5.95 of your bill payment amount. The Town of South Bruce Peninsula does not receive any part of this convenience fee. Paymentus Corporation is an independent company providing a service for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. How will my payment be confirmed?The Town of South Bruce Peninsula will receive notification of your payment. Your payment will be posted to your account within two (2) business days. For each payment, you will receive a confirmation email and confirmation number from Paymentus Corporation. |
Online Virtual Town Hall Portal |
Register for your account at the following link: To activate your account, you will need your Name on the Tax Bill or Utility Bill and Account Numbers, both of which are on your tax notice or utility bill respectively. Step-by-step Registration Instructions
If you are having problems logging into Virtual Town Hall, or would like to request a user name, or you simply have a question about Virtual Town Hall, please contact us at (519)534-1400 or by email during our business hours, Monday – Friday 830 am to 430 pm. |
Pay your water and sewer bill |
We process many types of payment methods. Please use the payment method that is most convenient for you. Once you've selected an option, please ensure you allow sufficient time for the payment to reach us by the due date. This time varies according to your payment option.
E-Billing Application |
E-Billing Application |
Penalties and interest charges |
To avoid penalties or interest charges on late payments, we must receive your payment at our office on or before the bill's due date. Penalties and interest charges for late payment are set by municipal by-law in accordance with the Municipal Act. Penalties and interest charges of 1.25% are added monthly until paid. |
Preauthorized payment |
Payment must be received in the Municipality's administrative office, on or before the due date. You can pay by preauthorized payment on the Due Date Plan. A debit in the amount stated on the utility bill will be drawn on the bank account on the due dates. |
Property Owner Tenant Guarantee Form-Utility |
The Property Owner/Tenant Guarantee Form must be signed by the owner prior to the municipality setting up an account in the name of the tenant. |
Water and sewer bill schedule and due dates |
We issue water and sewer bills monthly. Bills are due on the fourth Friday of the month following the billing. |
Water and sewer certificates |
You can request a water and sewer certificate by making a written request and bringing your letter to our municipal office. There is a fee of $60.00 per roll number. | ||||||
How do I read my water meter? |
Instructions for reading your water meter |
How can I conserve water? |
Ideas and conserving water usage. | ||||||
How can I find a leak? |
Ideas and suggestions for finding a leak. |
Call Before You Dig
If you are planning to dig, build or excavate, it is important that you locate all of your utility lines first. To have buried utilities located, including municipal water or sewer, you must contact Ontario One Call to submit a locate request.
Other Utility Companies
The Town is serviced by other utility companies for electricity, natural gas, phone, internet, and television cable/satellite options.
Electricity |
Hydro One provides electricity services to everyone in South Bruce Peninsula. You will have to contact Hydro One directly to set up your account and arrange services. |
Natural Gas |
Enbridge Gas Inc. (formerly Union Gas) provides natural gas service in South Bruce Peninsula. Contact Enbridge directly to inquire if service is available to your area. |
Phone |
Contact the companies directly to inquire about available services. Bell Canada provides phone service to the majority of properties in South Bruce Peninsula. Eastlink provides phone service to a number of properties in the northern portion of South Bruce Peninsula. |
Internet |
Contact the companies directly to inquire about available services.
Ontario connects is making high-speed internet accessible in every community. Learn more about this project, as well to see an interactive map where can search by address, community, or municipality for information on high-speed internet availability and projects in your area. |
Cable/Satellite Television |
Contact the companies directly to inquire about available services. Eastlink cable television services Bell Canada satellite television services. Shaw Direct satellite television services. |