The Town's Public Works Department plans and directs construction projects for municipal roads, sidewalks, bridges and related infrastructure.
Current Construction Projects
The Town has the following construction projects currently in progress:
Berford Street "Big Dig" Reconstruction |
The Town received Connecting Link funding for the design and reconstruction of Berford Street (Highway 6) in Wiarton. We will reconstruct Berford Street from Elm Street to Division Street, including the downtown core. The design will include replacing underground water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer infrastructure, as well as replacing the road surface, sidewalks, street lighting and traffic signal systems. The project startup notice describes some of the work and provides contact information for the engineers designing the project. The project design roadmap explains the design steps leading up to construction and the map of the project limits displays the portions of Berford Street that are included in the project scope. The design engineers presented a project update to the Wiarton BIA in November 2019. The first Public Information Session was hosted on December 18, 2019 at the Wiarton Arena. The second Public Information Session was hosted on January 23, 2020 at the Wiarton Arena. Public Information Session #2 Presentation - January 23, 2020 Public Information Session #2 Street Design Landscape - January 23, 2020 Berford Street "Big Dig" Presentation to Council at 90% Design Completion - February 18, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #1 for the General Public - June 4, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #1 for Properties within Project Limits - June 4, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #2 - June 25, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #3 - July 2, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #4 - July 10, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #5 - August 7, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #6 - August 15, 2020 Berford Street Reconstruction and Road Closure Update - August 24, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #7 - August 28, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #8 - September 17, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #9 - October 6, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #10 - October 19, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #11 - November 9, 2020 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #12 - April 12, 2021 Notice of Planned Hydro Outage in Wiarton for April 25, 2021 - April 20, 2021 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #13 - May 20, 2021 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #14 - July 9, 2021 Berford Street Construction Newsletter #15 - September 2, 2021 |
Elm Street Reconstruction |
The Town, in collaboration with the Township of Georgian Bluffs, will be reconstructing Elm Street in Wiarton between Berford Street (Highway 6) and Thompson's Sideroad. The work involves complete road reconstruction, as well as the installation of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and watermain. Work will begin in early May 2023 and extend into 2024. The first notice to residents was hand-delivered to properties in the affected area and includes contact information if residents have any questions about the project. The second notice to residents is being hand-delivered to properties in the affected area in July 2024. |
Gould Street and Pengally Avenue Reconstruction |
In 2019, the Town of South Bruce Peninsula retained R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited to provide detailed design engineering, project management, and construction administration services for the future replacement of watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and the required road reconstruction of several roads in the Wiarton settlement area. In collaboration with R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited, the Town is nearing the completion of the tender preparation process, with construction anticipated to take place between spring 2025 and late fall 2025. The final layer of asphalt is expected to be completed in 2026. You may view additional details, including the Detailed Design Drawings, or submit questions through the Town's Open Mic Page. |
Mallory Beach Road - Design and Reconstruction |
The Town has retained the services of a consulting engineering firm to provide a preliminary detailed road design and cost estimates associated with the full road reconstruction of approximately 4.0 kilometres of Mallory Beach Road from Bruce Road 9 to Kathleen Avenue. The project startup notice describes some of the work and provides contact information for the engineers designing the project. In October 2021, the engineers presented Council with a preliminary design and a breakdown of the aspects of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The engineers have issued a follow up notice of study commencement in February 2022. The engineers presented their findings of the Preliminary Design for the Reconstruction of Mallory Beach Road to Council in June 2023, and staff followed up with a report to Council in October 2023, itemizing some of the challenges to design and making the priority of reconstruction to improve safety and drainage. As part of the 2024 Capital Budget, Council has approved funding towards continuing with detailed design in 2024, for construction of Mallory Beach Road from Bruce Road 9 to Kathleen Avenue anticipated to occur in 2025. |
Mary Street Reconstruction |
The Town will be reconstructing Mary Street in Wiarton between Claude Street and Isaac Street. The work involves the installation/replacement of sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermain, sidewalk with tactile plates, boulevard restoration and hot mix paving. Work will begin in early May 2022 and extend into September 2022, with final project completion in Spring 2023. The notice to residents was hand-delivered to properties in the affected area in early April and includes contact information if residents have any questions about the project. |
Future Road and Infrastructure Design for Wiarton Streets |
The Town is currently conducting field work and construction design of some streets in Wiarton. The design will likely include replacing underground water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer infrastructure, as well as replacing the road surface, sidewalks, and possibly street lighting. The project startup notice describes some of the work and provides contact information for the engineers designing the project. |
Water Service Master Plan within and adjacent to the Sauble Beach Settlement Area |
The Town of South Bruce Peninsula (Town) is undertaking a Water Service Master Plan for the area within and adjacent to the Sauble Beach Settlement Area in the former Township of Amabel. The Study will consider solutions that provide servicing capacity for potential development and lower per capita cost for users of the existing systems. Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre - issued September 1, 2020 |
For current information about construction projects and road closures throughout Ontario, the Municipal 511 website is an excellent resource.
Complete/Closed Construction Projects
The Town has completed the following construction projects:
Camp Road Reconstruction |
The Town reconstructed Camp Road from Bruce Road 14 west to the end in Fall 2023. A map of the area is attached. The work included tree trimming, culvert replacement, pulverization, and new asphalt paving. |
Reconstruction of Sideroad 15, North Diagonal, and Meadowland Road |
Sideroad 15 (Centre Diagonal to North Diagonal), North Diagonal (Sideroad 15 to Meadowland Rd), and Meadowland Road (North Diagonal to Northacres Rd) were reconstructed starting in Fall 2023 and completed in Spring 2024. A map of the area is attached. The work included road pulverization, culvert replacement, the full excavation of Sideroad 15, and new double surface treatment (tar and chip) of all three roads. |
Silver Lake Road Reconstruction |
Silver Lake Road, from Bruce Road 10 to Allenford Road, was reconstructed in Spring 2023. The work included culvert replacement, waterproofing repairs to Gate's Bridge, and new asphalt paving. The notice to residents was hand-delivered to properties in the affected area in April and includes contact information if residents have any questions about the project. |