The new Community Safety & Well-Being Plan (CSWBP) was endorsed by Bruce County & Grey County and was adopted by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula Council on December 15, 2020.
Bruce and Grey Counties were joined by 16 lower-tier municipalities, eight police services, 14 police services boards, three boards of education, and 29 education, health, and social service agencies and community committees to undertake regional Community Safety and Well-Being Planning. This unique collaboration is the largest of its kind in Ontario.
Through public engagement, risk identification and prioritization, and analysis of local data, the CSWBP Advisory Committee created the now adopted plan, which is designed to leverage the good work already being done across the region by enhancing the collaboration and coordination of various organizations, committees, and initiatives.
The CSWBP sets out to achieve sustainable communities where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging and opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families can meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression. This will ultimately lead to a reduction in crime across the region.
With anticipated further approval from the lower-tier municipalities in Bruce and Grey Counties, local action teams will begin tackling priority areas like Addiction and Substance Use, Mental Health, Crime Prevention, Housing and Homelessness, and Poverty and Income. It is expected that the Plan will be approved for public posting in January 2021, and a CSWBP Indicator Report driven by local data and resident perceptions will be presented alongside the Plan, for use by the Advisory Committee and Action Tables to ensure evaluation of the Plan occurs.
Discover more about the Bruce and Grey Community Safety & Well-Being Plan at